The work done inside my private practice is ABOUT ALIVENESS.

It’s about resplendency— a shining out of you in this world. It’s about running big energy, whatever that looks like for YOU. It’s a carving out of the spaciousness required to let your imagination, intuition, and creativity soar.

Most of us don’t know what it’s like to be seen as whole and beautiful, to be consistently witnessed with love, to flourish from a place of belonging.

Welcome to that space. Welcome to that place.

Where your mental, emotional, physical, energetic, and spiritual selves can merge and re-ermerge as one. It is a reunion, and a re-membering. A flooding of relief and a long-awaited sigh after years of holding your breath, after working so hard to move through the world being but a fragment of who you truly are.



  • To return you to a fluency of self— to a place where you not only understand the language of your aliveness, but feel it pulsing through your fingertips; and

  • To have someone walking beside you— witnessing you, mirroring you and anchoring you in the potency of that place.


Steph has a unique talent for helping those she works with feel seen, special, valued, and empowered. She has the rare ability to blend energetic fun with deep emotional exploration and resonance. She herself is open, vulnerable, and honest, which enables her clients to be the same. To work with Steph is to meet a better understanding of yourself. And she’s like that on the page, on the phone, in person, on social media - across any and all mediums. She is a rare soul - a lightening rod for anyone she interacts with.


This work is designed for those who are in the midst of, or are calling in, initiation— growth from above and below, all while being held, nurtured and nudged.

All of this occurs inside the space found at the center of a Venn diagram, many of them actually. It takes place at the overlap of things like: containment and expansion, longing and belonging, intimacy and spaciousness, intellect and intuition, center of self and edge of becoming, visibility and invisibility, humanity and divinity.

My job is to reflect back to you your largest, truest and clearest expression of self, to pull wisdom from as many parts of you as I can hear, see and feel so as to mirror back to you your totality, the biggest you, your sacred self. It is to help you find the pathways that simultaneously decent and ascend. It is to guide and bear witness as you travel to the depths of yourself and the next level at once.

This is my private practice.

I welcome you, even if you can’t quite name exactly why you’re here,


Entrance into private practice work begins with a four-month experience that includes:

*Access to my Deliverance intake form to begin your exploration. Imagine sitting in front of a gorgeous reflection pool, pulling images of yourself from the surface of still water. It’s an easing into release and expansion as we begin our work together;

* 1 x 90-minute intake session (via zoom), where we’ll connect a lot of dots, hone in on visions, reposition you within your living myth and get clear on intentions for our journey together. Prepare to feel seen and to sit in a clarity you’ve likely not felt in some time;

* 8 x 60-minute coaching sessions (via zoom) custom tailored to you and your intentions. A co-created space to practice your return, to surrender inside the unknown in a way that feels held, and to feel into the spaciousness that happens when living from the totality of self;

* A special gift or two along the way;

*Occasional email access between sessions— designed for updates and electronic high-fives;

*Prioritized private practice bookings;

*4 - 5 months of remembering, relearning and returning; and

*A tethering to self, an anchored sense of belonging, a place of ease from which to live, access to your joy and desire, and so much more.

Every time we talk I have a renewed sense of center.
— Claire T.


Five payments of $560 USD or a single payment of $2,600 USD.

Accepting TWO new or returning clients for late-November 2024.

Hit the links below to book or email me to schedule an inquiry call.

Deliverance Sessions

Imagine a painted doorway leading to your own deliverance. Imagine placing your hand on the knob, turning it, hearing it unlatch. Can you see it as it opens? Can you imagine that everything behind it is yours?

Jan 13 - Feb 28, 2025 - one-time, 90-minute sessions++ designed to deliver you to possibility and potentiality. Tuck yourself under the wing of the myth you’re already living.

Regular $500. ON SALE for $300.


Madison Morrigan

“I worked with Steph when I was undergoing a big transformation in terms of what I believed, and who I was. Steph held space for me to shed beliefs about the world, myself, my work and God. Through the period of 1-on-1 work together, I found myself moving from a young, naive, starry-eyed girl to a woman who lives a life aligned to who she really is. Steph’s specialty is the crossing of thresholds with a dose of magic, humor and wit.” 

Lauren Marie Fleming

“I’m in a place now where I really know my gut instinct, and I really know my intuition.

I learned a lot about honing in on my intuitive voice in my work with Steph and there is no doubt it has propelled me forward creatively, professionally and personally.”


Jasmine Rose

“I asked Steph to support me while I was navigating the mother of all mother-wounds and on a deep journey through the underworld. Steph was a warmly lit candle, a cup of tea, and a wise woman hug in some of my darkest moments.

The way she holds space is profound. Every step of my journey I felt heard, held, and called forward into the truest version of myself. We all deserve to be held by another in these times and, by being held by Steph, I found my way back to my voice, my centre, and most of all, my heart.

I am so grateful for you. Steph.”


Kylie McBeath

“Working with Steph was the gentle nudge and caring embrace I needed to move through a GIANT initiation. Steph helped me trust the unseen, remember my essence and reconnect with my intuition— for this, I am eternally grateful.”

Allison Fallon

 “What makes Steph so remarkable, and so unlike any other coach I’ve worked with, is that she relentlessly and artfully points you back to yourself. Anyone can tell you what to do. But someone who can help you discover what YOU want to do is a true coach. Steph did exactly that.” 


Paulette DeKelver

“To say Steph has a multiplicity of tools in her tool kit is to say the earth is “big”— what an understatement!

Think about your wildest dreams, the out-of-reach ones you don’t dare think. Now consider what your life could be like if you thought them - regularly - and by doing so you brought them to life. That’s what it’s like to work with Steph. She is vastly skilled and immensely internally resourced. She takes you to the edge of yourself, where it’s terrifying, exhilarating and breath-taking, and then she invites you to go further.  In a fast-paced world, my work with Steph taught me to slow down, sink in, unfurl, expand, show-up, be seen, be heard, and soar. 

How do you say to the sun, “Where did you learn to shine?” Or, whisper to the wind, “How did you discover the sweet melody of your sound?” Or ask yourself, “Dear One, what’s possible if you were all of yourself?” Steph’s work will bring you into the magic of these questions and more.


Varvara Erochina

"Steph is an integral part of my care team, both personally and professionally. She is a voice of wisdom, guidance and spirit in my life, always encouraging me to live in alignment with my deepest health and my greatest service. Steph's gifts of intuitive guidance, deep listening and mentorship have supported profound healing, growth and stability in my life, and I'm so grateful to have her companionship."

India Dunn

“My ideas and intentions were brimming but I felt I had no map, and no direction. I needed a view, an eye to the bigger picture and someone to help me see past myself. As I result of my coaching work I felt guided back to the truth of my purpose. I can see the potential of my truth more frequently, and more clearly. The ripple effect of this continues to this day.”


Reach out to Steph directly to ask a question or book a FREE 15-minute clarity call.



There are lots of other ways to engage in my work— programatic options, community containers, in-person events and more. All of my offerings are connection-rich and content lite. I focus on presence as opposed to production. Being as opposed to doing.

Explore the options below.



All the details you need for how and when to interact with Steph— online and in-person.

In-Person Retreats

Getaways that feel less like leaving and more like a return.


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I write a periodic periodical called A LITTLE PLEASURE. Something tells me you’d enjoy it.

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