Free Resources — Steph Jagger


In the midst of my journeys, as well as in the digestion of them, stories form and words pour forth.

These words often take the shape of recorded conversations on some of the most delicious podcasts around. Check out the below conversations with some of the best in the biz.




I have a little secret to share…these ARE NOT your average reader’s guides.

These guides are designed to be tools that lead you deeper into the exploration of self through the lens of each book. They include curated prompts, reflections, and marinations from a collection of some of our favorite books.


Everything Left to Remember: My Mother, Our Memories and a Journey Through the Rocky Mountains*

Written by Steph Jagger

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Unbound: A Story of Snow and Self-Discovery*

Written by: Steph Jagger


Women Who Run With
the Wolves*

Written by: Clarissa Pinkola Estés.

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The Dance of the Dissident Daughter*

Written by: Sue Monk Kidd

Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home*

Written by: Toko-pa Turner

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The Alchemist*

Written by: Paulo Coelho


When Women Were Birds

Written by: Terry Tempest Williams



Set yourself free with a 75-minute recording of my signature workshop -
Building a Swing: Moving From Fear to Love

Writing my second memoir, Everything Left To Remember, expanded my heart in a thousand ways. The process was not unlike trespassing through my own self, to spaces of expansiveness that felt new and scary and wonderful at once. I found love tucked inside grief, and anger tucked inside love, and, as the poet Hafiz says, “all the ingredients to turn my existence into joy.”

When Alzheimer’s is involved, it’s not always easy to find the ingredients required for joy. But writing this book helped me find them. And that got me thinking…
Is it possible for us all to find such ingredients?

I decided the answer was yes.

Enter the Building a Swing: Moving from Fear to Love workshop - a gift designed to expand your heart in a thousand ways.


To access your Building a Swing workshop:

1) Click the button below to provide your email address.

2) Check your email. Et VOILà . . . YOUR GIFT IS DELIVERED.

Hungry for more?

I write a periodic periodical called A LITTLE PLEASURE. Something tells me you’d enjoy it.

Subscribe for FREE my entering your email below.


A collection of MY favorite BOOKS

Below is a sampling of work that has moved me deeper into myself, the expanse of my humanity, and the exploration of my creativity.





*I don’t have “required reading” for my private practice work or any of the programs I run. That said, books titles with an asterisk next to them (in the above list as, well as in the Free Reader’s Guide section at the top of this page) have deeply informed my work . . . so much so that I wanted to flag them for you. A.K.A. they are a great place to start a self-guided journey and/or to get the flavor of the work I do.

To note: I’ve linked resources to purchase where possible. While I always recommend shopping local, I also know local is different for each of you. As such, and for ease, I’ve used by way of an affiliate account.