First Name
Last Name
Where are you currently located?
SHORT-TERM VISIONS & INTENTIONS: Three months from now, what do you hope is made manifest? Write down three short-term intentions. What are you calling in?
P.S. Relax into the idea that these aren’t set in stone. We’re just going to use them to provide insight as we start framing our time together.
MID-TERM VISIONS & INTENTIONS: Three years from now, when you're lit up from the inside, shining like the star you are, what will be different? Name three long-term visions your sights are set on.
WHY COACHING RIGHT NOW? Take a deep breath and drop into your heart, drop into your whole self – why are you here, my dear? Why now? What made you say yes to coaching? Did a fire go out? Were you on your way to flourishing but felt something was missing - some ingredient, some magic, some part of yourself? We’re assuming you’re here because you’re thirsty, because you’re wanting, craving, yearning for something.
And even if you can’t quite name it we’d love for you to pour a handful of words on the page. Let it flow, tell us the bits that you know and don’t worry about the parts that you don’t.
NUMEROLOGY 101 - Let's dig into understanding the stressors of your life. On a scale of (10 being HIGH, 1 being LOW) provide a number that best represents your current level of stress:
List out a few of your primary stressors.
What do those things feel like in your body (when you’re thinking about them and/or experiencing them)?
On a scale of 1 – 10 (10 being HIGH, 1 being LOW) rate the quality of your life today.
Can you list out a few things you believe add to the quality of your life today?
What do those things feel like in your body (when you’re thinking about them and/or experiencing them)?
HISTORY LESSON - Let’s time travel shall we? Take a look back and peek at your past. Clues about where we’re going next are often found in the path that led us to where we are now. So let’s take a wee peek at your past. EVEN IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE IT JUST YET, YOU’RE KIND OF A BIG DEAL. We know this because you’ve already contributed a lot to this world – things you’ve done or ways you’ve shown up.
THINK BACK ON THE PEAKS AND VALLEYS OF YOUR LIFE: Take a moment to reflect on the ups and downs of each, the twists and turns you’ve navigated and made it through (feel into work, family, travel, life and love). Now pick out a high point. Was there a time you felt most committed, most connected, and most alive?
Recall that time: See it, sense it, feel it. When was it? Where was it? What were you doing? And perhaps most importantly of all, describe your being and energy. How did it feel to be you at that time?
WHAT’S CHANGED IN THE LAST FEW YEARS? Have you had a little bit of transition or a whole heaping lot of it?
Think new relationships, old relationships, moving, or changing jobs, decades, cities, or friends. What about marriage, deaths, and births? Think big weight gains or big weight losses, think literal and figurative, think taking on new roles and shedding others.
CAST & CREW: We know it may feel a bit strange to start talking about other people when we’re supposed to be focusing on you, but trust us, we’ve done our homework on this one. Get ready to jam on the people you know and admire, and even some people you don’t know but still get all weak-in-the-knees about. List three people you admire, three people you think are serving it up & stepping into their most expansive, authentic selves.
You may know them, you may not, they may be dead or alive, famous or fictional. Maybe they’re key people in your life, someone close in your network of friends and family, beautiful souls you just can’t live without.
LAST WORDS: What remains? Is there anything we haven’t asked or talked about that you think is important for us to know?