A myriad of voices live inside of our heads, voices that shape the stories, and create the narratives we live within.


Building a Swing: Moving from Fear to Love is designed to help us explore the two most powerful of the bunch.

In this 75-minute, interactive workshop we’ll learn about the impact those two voices have on our lives and our bodies. And together, we’ll build a swing from one side of ourselves to another.

Get ready for an eye-opening session. Get ready to sit in the seat of self-love.



Workshop Prep

Give yourself space to be present for the full 75 minutes of this workshop. It might also be nice to plan 5 - 10 minutes post for transition, digestion and integration.

Grab two sheets of paper and your favorite writing utensil.

Sit in a room or space with little to no distraction. Bring into it an open heart and mind.

Without further ado…press play to begin!

a poem by Hafiz

To Build A Swing


You carry
All the ingredients
To turn your life into a nightmare-
Don’t mix them!

You have all the genius
To build a swing in your backyard
For God.

That sounds
Like a hell of a lot more fun.
Let’s start laughing, drawing blueprints,
Gathering our talented friends.


I will help you
With my divine lyre and drum.

Will sing a thousand words
You can take into your hands,
Like golden saws,
Sliver hammers,

Polished teakwood,
Strong silk rope.

You carry all the ingredients
To turn your existence into joy,

Mix them, mix


Looking to dive a little deeper? 

All of our offerings support a deeper and more expansive exploration of ourselves and the narratives that shape us. This includes my books, online and in-person experiences, as well as our most popular program, THE GREAT BIG JOURNEY. To stay in the know about all of these offerings be sure to keep your eyes out for our Love Letters, which will slide into your inbox once a month. Upcoming offerings are always listed in the P.S. section of those emails.

And . . .

If you haven’t already pre-ordered my forthcoming book, EVERYTHING LEFT TO REMEMBER, you can do so below.


Or . . .

If you’re looking to build an even bigger swing, check out the details of our next GREAT BIG JOURNEY intake. We begin on January 9th, 2022.



A three-month immersion in remembering, relearning and returning to self. Live one-on-one mentorship with Steph and/or her lead GBJ coach.

Register today. Gather this January.


I hope your heart expanded in a thousand ways.

I hope you were able to soak up some of the wisdom that was shared, as well as tap into a well of your own.

There is nothing I would love more than to hear about your Building a Swing experience. Please feel free to reach out with questions, comments, and insights at hello@stephjagger.com.

May we search for and find our aliveness. May we sit in the seat of self-love.